10 Factors that Google uses to Index a Website

When Google scans a Web page there are dozens of factors be taken into account to determine whether it is worthwhile to index a site or less. Here is a list of 10 things to remember to do to help your website to be indexed.
Google Robot
1. Content
You do not have enough relevant content to your site to ensure that it is indexed. Make sure that all-important pages have good content that contains the keywords you want your site to be displayed when they are searched. Also be sure that these keywords are relevant to the structure of the environment in a natural way.
2. Your internal link structure.
Make sure that all the pages that you want to index are all well connected to each other so that they are easy to find for your visitors. This can be done through a menu bar, a sitemap (sitemap) and links from pages that link together related content. Index a website without a good internal link structure could not be easier.
3. age of domain
More old is your domain, the better. It is easier to index a website dated web. The oldest domains give confidence because there for a while. This factor also distinguishes your site from tons of other sites now dead, who have not been updated in ages and who is present in the network only to gather dust. Index a site Web the newborn is not always an easy task.
4. keywords (keywords)
If you want Google to index a site decides, is to make sure that your website appears in the search engines, when certain keywords searched, you should know how to use those keywords in order to make it clear that the search engine for your site is relevant for those particular keywords. For example, if your site about gardening, do not use keywords related to cars. It’s also important that you do not need to fill your pages with keywords. The density of keywords, or a particular word or phrase should be around 4-5 percent. Any value greater than this could be considered spam.
5. external links pointing to your website (inbound links)
Google determines your page rank (a kind of quality score) of a site and its location within the same based on what is pololare this site. The best type of links that you might want are called «one-way backlinks», especially from sites that already have a good page rank. If you do not immediately get this type of website submit your site to social bookmarking sites like Digg and Stumbleupon.
6. outbound links (outbound links)
These are the links that point to your site from other sites or external blogs to your website. It is important that you also have this kind of links, keep in mind that this number is lower than these inbound links. Also make sure that none of your outbound links pointing to malicious sites. Having links pointing to your site they put in their own category, and can even make sure that your site is deleted from the search engine.
7. Bounce
The longer people remain in your site more your site will increase in the order of the search engine. The best way to keep visitors on your site is to have a high-quality content. In addition, it can also help you add videos or other means, which would hold up the visitor’s interest and keep it for as long as possible on your site.
8. Factors of trust
This means that you need to give your visitors a way to contact you to ask questions or what is still their minds. If you have a business, it is good that you include at least one form that the user can fill in or you need to leave your e-mail address specified. Whether your site is for your personal or commercial is still a pleasant thing to make a page like, “I/we” to explain quickly what your visitors on your site or your business.
9. who is hosting your domain?
The more popular your hosting provider is more your site appears reputable and reliable.
10. Your internet address (URL)
Make sure your URL is plain and simple without any character or string attached at random at the beginning or end. This is another factor that Google takes into account when it comes to indexing a website.

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