Internet Marketing 2020
Hopefully you can learn from past mistakes and implement some of the things that have worked in 2019.
2019 – The Slow Start
2019 started off pretty slowly for me. I must say at the beginning of the year I was still really lost in the online world. I was following a lot of bloggers and was signed up to many email lists. I had also started going to the Warrior Forum and reading and looking into the Warrior Special Offers. I had also bought a few other products from other marketers that promised so much. Some did genuinely deliver while others fell flat.
Why Did I Fail At Making Money Online?
The real problem was that I was buying the products and was not doing anything about it. Not taking the necessary action required. I think at the time I was genuinely scared to take action. Why? Because I was never certain that the info in the product was 100% relevant and reliable.
I was worried about wasting my time on the wrong things. My time is limited and I didn’t want to spend it doing the “wrong” tasks. The simple fact is I didn’t have a plan or any strategy at all.
So I would soon move onto the next product that I hoped would provide the secret sauce I was looking for.
Needless to say this is a spiral to failure and something I learned you shouldn’t be doing.
7 Smart Things I Accomplished In 2019 And Some Secret Stuff…
1. Email marketing.This should be at the center of your online world. I bought Aweber email autoresponder and added a free product to this site. I managed to get a list of about 80 people purely through posting on the Warrior Forum and blogging.
This was done by a mixture of answering posts and starting posts. I also changed around my signature a few times to see what the effects would be.
Starting posts on the warrior forum is a good way to get people’s attention and get them over to your site.
2. Internet Marketing Mentor.
Yes, I decided to take massive action and get myself a mentor. This is a massive step for me and I felt it a crucial one if I ever wanted to be successful online. My mentor is someone who has done it all before and can offer his guidance and real insider knowledge of the internet marketing business as a whole.
The main skill I have taken away from having a mentor so far is you need to treat anything you do online as a business and not as a hobby or an opportunity.
You really need to put the work in and start planning from the end back. What do I mean? Well I found out that you really need to decide where you want to be and what you want to have before you start on your internet marketing journey. What niche? What products? How much money? etc etc then plan out how you wish to achieve these goals. This is what ALL the big money making internet marketing gurus do. They don’t spend their days buying more products and looking in their inbox for answers. They know exactly what they want to achieve and how to get there. You should too.
3. Accountability Partner – The Key To Making Money Online In 2020
Shortly after getting my mentor I was advised to get an accountability partner. One of my most popular posts on my blog was about what an accountability partner is and why it really is essential to have one. He is now not only my accountability partner but nearly my business partner and we are now in talks about launching products together in 2020.
Having an online business is not easily done alone. So go out and get yourself an accountability partner.
I highly recommend you find an accountability partner with similar goals to you to really boost your internet marketing in 2020.
4. Sales Funnel Secrets.
This is how the real internet markers make money online. They have a proper sales funnel in place that puts potential customers through a selling process. Most often this process starts with a cheaper “front end” product. After someone buys this front end they are offered more products. It is an extremely effective way of getting sales and making large amounts of money online. I wrote a whole post about sales funnels a few months back. While it could do with updating it is still relevant.
5. Solo Ad List Building Magic.
Ever had traffic problems? Ever thought how to get traffic to a sales page or a squeeze page? Well one way is through a type of paid traffic called “solo ads” I set up a whole sales funnel with a free front end product and a back end product and generated traffic to this through solo ads. I managed to get 50 people to sign up to my list during this process. Some would consider this to be quite successful first attempt. When i run solo ads again I will do things slightly differently. I will target a different sub niche and I will make sure I have my email sequence set up first before the ads go out. I hadn’t done this and learn from this mistake !
6. Creating Killer Products.
In 2019 I created probably about 3 or 4 unique products. Looking back this is pretty poor. But as I have said I didn’t really know what I was doing and didn’t have much of a strategy. I plan to create many more products in 2020 ( you can read more about a new exciting one below) It is the best way to earn money online and I plan to concentrate on this much more. Everything you learn and implement you can potentially create a product about. Did something you tried work or fail and what could you have done better? This could be a product. There are countless people out there that would like to know what you have tried and what worked.
7. WordPress Plugin Development.
I wasn’t going to say anything about this as it is a work in progress. But I will let the cat out the bag early and say I am in the process of getting a word press plugin developed. The functionality of the plugin will remain a secret at this time but I will say it has to do with sharing content and grabbing readers attention when they hit your blog in a very unique and not seen before way!
Of course when the project is a little more mature I plan to share everything here on the blog.
Oh I should also mention I have zero programming skills and have never coded anything in my life. I can just about install a WordPress Plugin let alone code one. So I am getting all this work outsourced. This is also my first experience working with outsources. So it’s all pretty exciting watching it all come together. And if you think it’s too expensive to develop a piece of software you are probably in for a big shock!
2020 – The Best Year Yet!
So what are your plans for 2020? What went well for you in 2019? What went bad in 2019 and what could you do much better ?
Do you have a vision of what YOU would like to accomplish in the next few months?
I would like to hear your comments about this post and to hear what you plan to do for 2020 to make it your best year yet.
Leave your comment below and I will get back to you. Thanks !
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