As a user of both platforms you will see the differences between Drupal and Wordpress quite fast. Wordpress is a blog script and as such it focus on content management which is more personal and oriented on blog styles; Drupal on the other hand is more of a content management system (CMS) than a blog platform this way you can manage blogs or interactive sites which require extensive content to operate.
Storefront and Back-end Aspects:
While Wordpress powered sites will always look and have blog characteristics, Drupal based sites count with an extensive storefront profile, meaning that it’s appearance can be customized to fit almost any profile. The login screen for both Wordpress and Drupal are straight forward, once you get inside Drupal though you will see that there are several differences among these two scripts.
The design and menu aspects may not be very friendly compared to blogging applications which is why the learning curve is longer in content management systems such as Drupal. The menu positioning and division is much more intuitive and easier to follow in blogging scripts such as Wordpress.
Dashboards and Usability:
Drupal’s dashboard is quite different, as already mentioned Drupal is more of a content management system than a blogging platform, in fact in order to extend its capabilities the Drupal team came up with a Blogging API which allows a post to be posted to a site via external GUI applications, this blogging API can be used with several XML-RPC API such as the Movable Type API, Blogger and MetaWeblog.
In Drupal you have a different content organization method which is called books. The books method allows similar posts to be organized or grouped together, you can also categorize content by stories and pages. In Wordpress the organization method goes by time lines and topics.
Compared to Wordpress, Drupal allows you wider and more in depth control of the site’s configuration. The “actions” menu provides wide control over posts, you can approve, unpublish and make certain types of posts sticky just like in forums. Wordpress doesn’t yet allow sticky posts which means that you either have a static page as the home page or a dynamic page, not a combination of static content and daily updated sections.
The site configuration screen also allows you to clean URLs, read all error reports, manage the file system, adjust image quality in order to optimize their size in your hard drive. You can also control the site’s performance by changing the caching preferences, page compression, CSS and even Javascript files. These are all features not found in blogging scripts and sets Drupal apart.
With Drupal you can also manage polls and even forum style posts which can be threaded, Wordpress requires several plugins to do the same.
Modules vs Plugins:
Both modules and plugins main purpose is to expand the capabilities of the core script, meaning that they add functionality to the CMS application. Since Drupal is a full blown CMS you will find modules which are very specific to site functions such as content rating, commerce and advertising, e-Commerce, file management, javascript utilities, mail modules, paging, taxonomy, syndication, etc. Perhaps the syndication module is the one which you feel more comfortable if you understand the blogging system which scripts such as Wordpress provide
The bottom line is that you need to plan what kind of site you are about to build, if the site is content intensive and requires advanced features which provide more control to users as well as administrators then Drupal would be a better fit, if on the other hand you are planning to go personal you can use Wordpress which is also a content management system but is not as robust as Drupal.
Storefront and Back-end Aspects:
While Wordpress powered sites will always look and have blog characteristics, Drupal based sites count with an extensive storefront profile, meaning that it’s appearance can be customized to fit almost any profile. The login screen for both Wordpress and Drupal are straight forward, once you get inside Drupal though you will see that there are several differences among these two scripts.
The design and menu aspects may not be very friendly compared to blogging applications which is why the learning curve is longer in content management systems such as Drupal. The menu positioning and division is much more intuitive and easier to follow in blogging scripts such as Wordpress.
Dashboards and Usability:
Drupal’s dashboard is quite different, as already mentioned Drupal is more of a content management system than a blogging platform, in fact in order to extend its capabilities the Drupal team came up with a Blogging API which allows a post to be posted to a site via external GUI applications, this blogging API can be used with several XML-RPC API such as the Movable Type API, Blogger and MetaWeblog.
In Drupal you have a different content organization method which is called books. The books method allows similar posts to be organized or grouped together, you can also categorize content by stories and pages. In Wordpress the organization method goes by time lines and topics.
Compared to Wordpress, Drupal allows you wider and more in depth control of the site’s configuration. The “actions” menu provides wide control over posts, you can approve, unpublish and make certain types of posts sticky just like in forums. Wordpress doesn’t yet allow sticky posts which means that you either have a static page as the home page or a dynamic page, not a combination of static content and daily updated sections.
The site configuration screen also allows you to clean URLs, read all error reports, manage the file system, adjust image quality in order to optimize their size in your hard drive. You can also control the site’s performance by changing the caching preferences, page compression, CSS and even Javascript files. These are all features not found in blogging scripts and sets Drupal apart.
With Drupal you can also manage polls and even forum style posts which can be threaded, Wordpress requires several plugins to do the same.
Modules vs Plugins:
Both modules and plugins main purpose is to expand the capabilities of the core script, meaning that they add functionality to the CMS application. Since Drupal is a full blown CMS you will find modules which are very specific to site functions such as content rating, commerce and advertising, e-Commerce, file management, javascript utilities, mail modules, paging, taxonomy, syndication, etc. Perhaps the syndication module is the one which you feel more comfortable if you understand the blogging system which scripts such as Wordpress provide
The bottom line is that you need to plan what kind of site you are about to build, if the site is content intensive and requires advanced features which provide more control to users as well as administrators then Drupal would be a better fit, if on the other hand you are planning to go personal you can use Wordpress which is also a content management system but is not as robust as Drupal.
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