f you have a system, which includes a schedule, you will be on the way to producing your articles faster and, more importantly, to the point.
The Schedule
For article marketing success, you need to produce about 3 – 5 articles a day (100+ a month)
Just thinking you will write when you have time, or feel like it won’t get this rate up and running.
To speed up you article marketing submissions, you need to be disciplined and set aside a period of time daily to get to your computer and write those articles.
At first, it does take more time – but as you produce more and more your time will decrease per article. After some time, you will get to know how much time then to schedule.
One other thing about this – if you are a two finger typist, then taking time to learn proper typing – all fingers, will be worth the time as it also will speed up your article production no end.
Having a System
1. Know the best way to compose an article – introduction, main thesis, summary. Deliver in the thesis what you say you will do in the introduction and then in the summary also include something about how this will benefit the reader. Keep to about 300 words.
This will make it scannable and readable. It will also keep you tight in your writing. No waffling or going off on tangents.
2. Make a list of the topics you want to write about. Create their titles so this will help you stay focused during the actual writing.
3. People search the internet for information or solutions to problems – so approaching your articles with a “how to …”, or “10 tips for …..” or “better ways to ……” will make your point straight off and also be more interesting and also more likely to match a keyword.
4. Schedule the time when you will write on 3-5 of those titles each day. Choose a time of day when you won’t be distracted or interrupted.
The Schedule
For article marketing success, you need to produce about 3 – 5 articles a day (100+ a month)
Just thinking you will write when you have time, or feel like it won’t get this rate up and running.
To speed up you article marketing submissions, you need to be disciplined and set aside a period of time daily to get to your computer and write those articles.
At first, it does take more time – but as you produce more and more your time will decrease per article. After some time, you will get to know how much time then to schedule.
One other thing about this – if you are a two finger typist, then taking time to learn proper typing – all fingers, will be worth the time as it also will speed up your article production no end.
Having a System
1. Know the best way to compose an article – introduction, main thesis, summary. Deliver in the thesis what you say you will do in the introduction and then in the summary also include something about how this will benefit the reader. Keep to about 300 words.
This will make it scannable and readable. It will also keep you tight in your writing. No waffling or going off on tangents.
2. Make a list of the topics you want to write about. Create their titles so this will help you stay focused during the actual writing.
3. People search the internet for information or solutions to problems – so approaching your articles with a “how to …”, or “10 tips for …..” or “better ways to ……” will make your point straight off and also be more interesting and also more likely to match a keyword.
4. Schedule the time when you will write on 3-5 of those titles each day. Choose a time of day when you won’t be distracted or interrupted.
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